Ultimate Guide to be a MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT
A course for you that is completely dedicated to Management Consulting, that will help you navigate a path of being a consultant in top-level companies.
15 Hours
Total duration of the course.
Through Online mode.
6 Topics
Step- by-step guide.
Important educational material will be provided.

6 Sub-Topics Include:
- Basics of Consulting
- Consulting Service Areas
- Issue Trees
- Case Frameworks
- Resume Building
- Cases & Guesstimates

Do you have less time? But want to do the consulting course? Don’t worry! This Bootcamp is just right for you! This course provides you with all the knowledge in a short span of time.
It includes:
8 Hours
Total duration of the course.
8 Topics
Step-by-step guide.
8 Sub-Topics Include:
- Basics of Consulting
- Acing Guesstimates
- Acing Case Interviews
- Live Case Solving
- Live Guesstimates Solving
- Networking Session
- Resume Preparation
- Resume Review