Career Coaching
Are You Muddled?
What to do? When to do ? and Where to do?
Don’t worry, I’ve all the answers to your questions! I’m here to help you.

Right Educational Path
A one-on-one session for you to help you navigate through all the steps of building a successful career.
I provide (press on the captions):
It is said that “Time and tide wait for none” i.e. one has to make the best use of time, failing which one has no recourse except to repent. The ethos applies to select the right career in an unambiguous way.
Choosing the right career path isn’t always easy. It demands clarity, will power, dedication and focus to decide the path. It may be supplemented with professional guidance to achieve the desired result.
Define your own path under my guidance to be the person you want to be! Includes defining path for higher education, right after class 12th!
Many people plan on going to business school only once, so it’s essential you’re well-informed and choose the right one. But what are some of the key things you should bear in mind when it comes to choosing a business school that can determine both your professional and personal development for the years to follow? Choosing a right B-school starts with self-reflection.
Confused with deciding your business school and when you should pursue your masters? Don’t worry, we’ll work it out together!
If you have the right skill-set and experience, you can afford to be picky. You will be able to leverage your advantage to land a job that’s closest to your ideal position. You’ll also be able to choose a job that is the best fit for your circumstances and career goals.
Puzzled between the best? I’m here to help you achieve this.

Pathway To Your Dream Job
A one-on-one session to assist you on your relationship with your job (future/ongoing).
I provide (press on the captions):
So you’re thinking of doing an MBA, or maybe you’re earning your degree now and are looking out for jobs once you graduate. Either way, you’re on the right path. MBAs are very popular, which means there are going to be many jobs and opportunities to choose from. The beauty of an MBA is that it’s so versatile — you can apply it to many different career paths. Let’s go through the 9 best jobs for MBA graduates.
Let’s sort this out! Get to know 9 best career options right after MBA from me and my experience!
It’s always exciting when you have job options to choose from, even though it can be stressful to decide which position to accept.
Confused which role fits best with you and your aspiration? Or how to change between the roles in same company? Let’s find out!
Have you been feeling bored or frustrated at work lately? Or, do you work in an industry with falling job opportunities or wage stagnation?
Perhaps you’ve recently been furloughed or laid off, and are considering going in a totally new direction.
Well, I’m here to guide you with all the steps required! You are not alone in this!

"There's a point at which you're not making it better, you're just making it different. You have to be good at recognising that point."
Your Coach